About Us
For over 30 years Adamstown Tyres Ltd have been providing our customers in Wexford and the wider South East area with quality tyres, expert advice, great prices and excellent customer service.
We have two depots. One in Adamstown and one in New Ross (just minutes from the town centre). Both branches are superbly fitted out and stocked. We pride ourselves on our friendly, efficient service and very experienced staff.
We are an independent retailer and as a result can offer a greater range and choice for our customers. It also ensures that we can provide the best advice. We are the main area agents for Yokohama, Matador, Austone, Triangle, Mastersteel and BKT.
We are members of SIMI (Society of Irish Motor Industry), ITIA (Irish Tyre Industry Association) and participate in the Tyre Waste Management Compliance Scheme.
We supply, fit, and repair all car, van, 4×4, commercial and industrial tyres. Our agricultural tyre service is unparalleled in the South East. We supply and fit all tractor and farm machinery tyres, with a full call-out fit and repair service. We also supply new agricultural wheel rims and carry out custom repairs and refurbishments of old rims.
We provide a call-out service for any emergency tyre repairs that may arise in the general Wexford area. For our regular customers, we can organise this service countrywide.
Additional Services
- Free tyre checks- inspection of tread depths, air pressure and wear patterns of your tyres
- Wheel balancing
- Tracking and four wheel alignment
- Full range of batteries
- Wheel rim repair
- Agricultural tyre repair
- Light focussing and bulb replacement
- Hydraulic hose repair
- Orlen oil products.
We regularly run special offers on tyres and other items (find details on our Special Offers page).We offer gift vouchers as well.
For all of your tyre needs contact us in Adamstown on 053 9240661 or in New Ross on 051 425255.